Stalker CoP Mod: Valley of Whispers


Aus dem GSC Forum möchte ich euch die Mod, Valley of Whispers (Tal des Flüsterns) hier kurz vorstellen.

Sie ist eine eigenständig laufende Mod, mit eigener Geschichte, eigenem Helden und eigens für diese Mod, neuen, riesigen erstellten Karte und somit komplett unabhängig des Hauptspiels/Quest von Stalker CoP.

Ihr startet das Spiel also direkt im Neuen Gebiet. Es gibt keinerlei Verbindung zum Hauptspiel.


Da im Englischen Thread nur wenig bis überhaupt nicht zur eigentlichen Geschichte um den Haupthelden "Max" eingegangen wird, nur so viel.
Die Geschichte dreht sich um den Stalker "Max", der die Zone eigentlich verlassen möchte, aber immer noch auf den großen Jackpot hofft, wie viele andere Neuankömmlinge in der Zone auch. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt lässt Beard, einer der berühmteste Artefakte Händler der Zone, nach dem sehr teuren und seltenen Artefakt, das "Herz der Oase", suchen.

Von Ruhm und Reichtum angetrieben, lässt sich "Max" natürlich nicht zweimal von Beard bitten, dieses kostbare Artefakt und gleich auch noch nach 3 verschwundene Stalker zu suchen, die Beard angeheuert hatte.

Und somit verschlägt es ihn in das "Tal des Flüsterns", einer ziemlich trostlosen Gegend in der Nähe Zatons, wo es die stärksten lokalen Emmissionen der gesamten Zone gab.
Neben einer neuen Karte, neuen Anomalien, Artefakte, Orte, Gebäuden, Höhlen, usw., bietet diese Mod auch zahlreiche neue Animationen für NPC's, wie


Tushkanos, die in einem Laufrad Mechanische Geräte betreiben
neuen Gesichter für alle Charaktere und vieles mehr.

Neben Stalker CoP und dem 1.6.02 Patch wird noch darauf hingewiesen, das die Mod nicht auf "Statische Beleuchtung" läuft.
Ansonsten die Datei mit WinRAR oder 7-Zip entpacken und dem gamedata Ordner in eurem Stalker Hauptverzeichnis kopieren.

1.) Download: Valley of Whispers (190 MB)
2.) Download: Patch vom 23.2.014 (33 MB)

Infos zum Patch:
Third-party fixes:

- Added cleaner corpses mutants OffCorpses CoP ( author : Skunk).
- Included mod Correct ironsights alignment, correcting crooked aiming to arms (author : b1ub4k).
- Fixed Khudova and global models of weapons : Beretta 92FS, Colt M1911A1, SIG-Sauer P220, HK USP Compact, IMI Desert Eagle ( wrong texture mapping " silencing" ) , SVD (possibility " silencing" ) , AKS-74U ( corrected fly and the wrong texture mapping" muffler " ) AS "Val " and ARIA " Vintorez " ( unmapped cartridges in the store when recharging ) AN-94 "Abakan" ( animated rollback mobile firing unit ); HK MP-5A3 ( animated shutter during shot) (author : power-cat).
- Corrected thin RGD-5 grenades (author : [PROTOTYPE]).
- Glowing off flashlight on the second render , with a third person , no longer shines (Shoker Mod v1.9).
- Added fix texture , bump and thm files for bandit - novice and novice stalker stalker - experienced (OGSM CS 1.8 CE).
- Fixed texture and bump ZAZ - 968M "Zaporozhets » (OGSM CS 1.8 CE).
- To complete the kit to the unitard mercenary added his mask ( by Ricochet ) .
- Fixed incorrect statement of the purpose in one of the tasks , as well as non-critical bug with one wound quest NPC ( author : Deimos).

Copyright edits from fellow den-stash:

- Included official fix modification.
- Fixed model Rockefeller.
- Now, after the robbery SG Plateau Cowboy and co. , Will receive an SMS from Maximilian - he will want to talk with GG on this topic. Do not miss .
- Added visual Max's Suits mercenaries.
- Increased likelihood of rescue alive Genk mail from bandits . Previously, he usually died in the crossfire .

Corrections from fellow monk:

- Kombez mercenary got my icon in the upgrading and modernization of the variant (ARS Mod), correcting him config .
- Fixed incorrect animation Bears Tesla , added his arms to not waving empty-handed.
- On the contrary , selected weapons from Rockefeller that he did not take up arms from selling samples.
- Fixed , as far as possible , and will not unique voices NPC, because there were so many inconsistencies.
- Fixed bugs of default games - weight ups and have gas masks and helmets , no PNV Seva etc.
- All quest items (except kombeza mercenary ) made ??not to sell . Previously, they could easily buy back from the NPC.
- Fixed texture on chimeras and stuffed wild boar , for a variety of textural additions made ??to the file level fashion .
- Added icons in nyusmenedzher jobs , and then the dynamite box somehow already tired .
- Fixed the default icons on the arms and Suits their respective visuals .
- The basic quests - yellow marker and secondary quests - White marker .
- Freeman and the killers returned to their native voice , literally everything else NPC voices spoke only stalkers neutrals.
- Added a phrase out of a dialogue with those characters YY fashion in which it was absent , another dialog box was empty .
- Added " sound " shot in the face YY . Prior to this beat in silence.
- Added icons in personal mesedzh from NPC ( used to be one at all).
- We now have a killer voice wounded. Before and lay writhing in pain silently .
- The PDA added description icons Andrew Head.
- The table modification artifacts added missed " Night Star ", " Crystal " and " Blood Stone ".
- Russell mutants location , perhaps I forgot about these cute little animals, as flesh and psevdopsy . Were added.
- Fixed relocking on key previously open inventory box at the helicopter war .
- Fixed job descriptions , dialogues and messages.
- Rewritten ( corrected, supplemented ) a description of all items fashion .
- Fixed trade : removed from sale stalkers , on the basis of the former footy snaryagoy military and moved to Rockefeller sale .
- Fixed texture on the world model " Chaser -13 ." Displayed in red on the handle rifle sleeve . Cleaned. Added bump SVD , because previously have been SVD bump IEDs .
- Added ability to set all dodger on all weapons (part per defaulted on part of Unica ) , where they were provided for developers to play.
- Since all the rage turned "off" from the game Unico default ( weapons, equipment ) , so gave a unique weapon unique NPC, clothes laid out on the boxes .
- User box Seeds Cowboy now also become a key lockable .
- Fixed icon artifact " Medusa " in relation to its visual.
- Added missing earlier sounds of fans, Tushkan - dynamos and sparkling "Elektra" - lamps .
- Removed the screen with the words " Now you can get a gun ."
- Make an entry for the Joker mask , steel helmet Karyagi , kombeza "Dawn" Barges , harmonica .
- Replaced model Kastsyan Lapserdaka to another bandit ( visual of SWMod CoP), since it was a model owl ( Owl let too and sits on Skadovsk ) .
- Now when you start a new game recoup all four saver mode , and not just the first .
- Max now starts the game in a black cloak , as a screensaver , and that used to be a mismatch - he was in " Dawn ."
- Professor Ozersky and Bear Tesla now displayed its mark in each CCP - merchant and techniques accordingly .
- The USB flash drive can now be sold Fedor Rockefeller not to lay dormant in your inventory.
- Ivan Sausage dialogue phrases added choice to take or reject the proposed SG quest to deliver the box with the product. Earlier quest undertook machine.
- A similar correction is made for the Rockefeller quest to find the laptop. Or you can take right away, or refuse , putting a quest for later. Earlier too undertook machine.
- Now you can find military helicopter pad, which will be written left to survivor captain Kozlov with a key from the mailbox . There were complaints that it is very difficult to know where to look for this same key.
- Fixed dialogue technique Radhika . It is now possible to read both versions of its dialogue with the HS. Previously, we could only read any one of the two.
- Fixed icon vest CHN -3a files modernization.
- Fixed texture model flesh_strong.ogf. Earlier in conventional and reinforced flesh was one and the same texture on both models .

Corrections from fellow lexshevtsov:

- Changed all the background texture of the main menu of the game and the boot screen .
- Added loading screens five locations ( as in the original game ) .
- Added icons unique characters and quests .
- Added icon zombies in statistics.
- New textures and bandage kits (based on his own photographs ) .
- New texture for the costume mercenary hands .
- Improved appearance of the map .
- Changed the icons mercenary helmet in inventory and window improvements corrected icons costume mercenary.
- Added steps to improve your own icons for overalls and helmet mercenary.
- Fixed start and completed the final slideshow ( special thanks mate Wolfstalker for scoring text).
- Slightly corrected localization files , added captions.
Install Reihenfolge:

- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. CoP
- Patch 1.6.02
- Mod "Valley of Whispers"
- Patch (23.2.014)
Optionaler Download: Addons für VoW (36 MB)

Das Addon beinhaltet:

1) New Cloud Texture (Atmos Fear 3),
2) New Weapon Textures (aus der Sigerous und Lost World Mod),
3) New Models of Weapons,
4) New Voice shot Pract all Weapons
5) New Exo and Icons.

Das Addon einfach nach der Mod/Patch dem gamedata Ordner hinzufügen.
Download: Englische Übersetzung (83 KB)
Download: localization.ltx [Wichtig, da ihr ansonsten einen Zahlen - Mischmasch als Text habt!!!]
(Kopieren und in gamedata/configs einfügen).
So, gleich noch hinterher, meine Vorgehensweise.

Installiert habe ich nach dieser Reihenfolge:
- Mod
- Patch
- Addons
- Eng - Übersetzung
- localization.ltx

Aus der "Standalone Mods für Stalker CoP" noch hinzugefügt:
- AF3-hud
- light-torch
- map_spots_relations
- sounds

und meine DS - Mod natürlich, was sonst :mrgreen:.

Läuft alles nach knapp einer halben Std. Spielzeit ohne Probleme und was immer wichtig ist für Leidgeprüfte SGM Spieler, sehr stabil :mrgreen:.
